MTOAT originally grew from the success of Wallingford School. Wallingford School is a very successful mixed comprehensive school which serves the town of Wallingford and its surrounding villages.

Results are strong at both A Level – our Sixth Form is consistently one of the highest performing state Sixth Forms in Oxfordshire with 64% of grades at A*-B in 2023 – and at GCSE - Progress 8 in 2023 was 0.52, officially “Well Above Average” - and the school enjoys a strong reputation for excellent teaching and learning, an exceptionally broad and deep extra-curricular offer and the outstanding personal development of our students. The ethos of “able and qualified” permeates everything that the school does and is understood and valued by all members of the school community.

Wallingford School is oversubscribed in every year group and we draw our students from the town and the surrounding villages. We are a school for our local community and celebrate and live our values.

Number of students: 1415
